Thursday, May 10, 2012


Praise the Lord. 
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
Psalm 147:1

A few weeks ago, much to my surprise and delight, Noah began singing along with me when I would put him down for a nap or to sleep at night.  For the most part, he will sing along with just the last word of a phrase, sometimes waiting for me to begin singing that word so he can remember what he's supposed to be singing.  He does have quite a nice handle on the wonderful monosyllabic la (thank you, David Crowder Band), and already knows how to sing "Oh Praise Him" by the same.

I have heard Noah singing to himself while in his crib, while playing in the living room, and while riding in the car.  He has the cutest "singing voice" I've ever heard, soft and a little raspy, but I'm sure I'm a little bias.

I wonder how much he knows about the Creator whom he praises.  I wonder if there is a place in his soul that feels complete when he says "Alleluia" along with the throngs in heaven.  Scripture tells us that all of creation praises our Lord (Psalm 148).  My heart is filled with joy to say that Noah is a part of that choir.

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