Saturday, July 28, 2012


This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24

As I write this, I am five days away from the due date of little boy number two.  With Noah, I didn't mind one bit that he took his time coming out (we "kicked him out" nine days after his due date).  I was really in no rush to make the plunge into motherhood, go through labor, lose all my precious sleep and wait on an infant hand and foot.  I tend to work behind, rather than ahead anyway, so his delayed arrival fit right into my plans.

With this new little one, I'm antsy to meet him.  I'm feeling contractions often (which never happened with Noah), and I can't wait for the moment when they'll become regular enough for Dave and me to head to the hospital.  I am now uncomfortably pregnant: I avoid anything outdoors between the hours of 10:00 and 6:00; I can't get up from a seated position without looking and feeling awkward; I have trouble falling asleep... then I can't seem to stay asleep for more than a few hours at a time; and I've begun to fantasize about wearing real clothes again.

I stopped working over a week ago, all of my pre-baby "chores" are accomplished, my hospital bag is packed, my kitchen is spotless, and now I'm..... just..... waiting.....

"Now what, Lord?" my heart cries out.  

A couple of days ago, he gave me the answer: "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  So even if the little guy doesn't make his appearance known to the world on this day, I can, and should, still rejoice.  God has a special plan for each of our days, and just because today's does not include the special event I want, doesn't mean that the day is worthless or less significant in God's eyes.

... Still, I hope he comes soon!

A late-night attempt at a baby bump picture

Lord God, please give me the grace to see each day the way you see it.


  1. My two year old is sitting next to me and as I was looking at your picture and she said "Look and egg" pointing to your belly. I thought it was really sweet and that you would get a kick out of it :) Good luck with labor, praying for your health as well as the health of your precious little bundle!
