Thursday, August 21, 2014


Before I could even get him out of his room this morning, Zeke had me caught up in a game of Trust Fall.  You know, when one person stands in front of another and falls backward into the second person's arms: trust fall.  It's not your typical two-year-old game (I blame my husband), but two-year-olds are really good at the one thing needed for the game: trust.  Zeke was relentless about falling back into my arms--even if I wasn't ready and had to scramble to catch the little stinker.  He never tried to step back to catch himself.  He never even looked back to see if I was paying attention.  He just trusted.

Earlier this week, Noah started the Trust Fall game when we were at a friend's house.  Noah showed all the kids how fun it was to fall back and have my husband catch him.  The other little kids quickly lined up to give it a try. One, two, three did it, all giddy with excitement once they had been caught. Then sweet little Addison, who's two-almost-three, bravely lined up for her turn.  When she got into place, she took a long pause, looked around her, paused again.  And then, with all the people in the room as her audience, she fell FORWARDS!! I'm still laughing. (Thankfully, the game was being played on carpet, and she was smart enough to catch herself.)  

Little kids are incredible!  They trust!  First thing in the morning, they trust.  Even when they don't quite understand the rules, they trust.

And God loves it.

Dave and I are currently reading through The Jesus Storybook BIble for our devotions every night with Noah. (I highly, highly recommend this Bible. It is beautiful and beautifully written.) Last night, the story was that of Jesus and the little children. As I was listening to my love read the profound words, I was looking at my little child's face.  And there was a beauty there in that moment--the beauty that God brings to little things. He gave me a glimpse of the way he sees Noah, and it was incredible.  

I thought of the way that trust comes so naturally to children.  And I was reminded of God's desire that we would never lose our child's heart when it comes to trusting him.

I was awed by our God who uses simple things in such amazing ways. He reaches into our complex situations and gives us something beautiful and simple. Like a little girl falling forward because she trusts in the one behind her.  Like a little boy falling over and over because he trusts in the one behind him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight. 
Proverbs 3:5-6

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